程搏幸,副教授,博士研究生,中共党员,毕业于南京农业大学。主要从事中药资源与开发方向的研究。承担课程教学:中药学相关课程及免疫学、免疫学实验等。 作为指导老师,所指导员工获第十七届 “挑战杯”贵州省老员工课外学术科技作品竞赛 一等奖。
(1) 水蛭素Hirudin-HN基因表达规律及其转录因子筛选的研究, 贵州省教育厅, 主持。
(2) 水蛭素Hirudin-HN基因表达机制研究, 太阳成集团, 主持。
(3) 钩藤规范化种植关键技术研究, 横向。
(4) 贵州半夏种质资源收集、评价及高效栽培技术研究, 横向。
(5) 水蛭长期储藏食物策略的机制研究, 国家自然科学基金委员会, 参与。
(1) Boxing Cheng; Fei Liu; Qiaosheng Guo *; Yuxi Lu; Hongzhuan Shi; Andong Ding; Chengfeng Xu; Identification and characterization of hirudin-HN, a new thrombin inhibitor, from the salivary glands of Hirudo nipponia. PeerJ, 2019, 7: e7716.
(2) Boxing Cheng; Ling Gou; Qiaosheng Guo *; Fei Liu; Hongzhuan Shi; Yuxi Lu; Mengmeng Li; Jia Wang; Shimeng Yan; Effects of temperature on growth, feed intake and antithrombin activity of Poecilobdella manillensis, Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 2016, 16: 847-853.
(3) 程搏幸; 刘飞; 郭巧生*; 史红专; 李蒙蒙; 卢昱希; 温度、密度、喂食周期对菲牛蛭育苗影响的研究, 中国中药杂志,2015, 40(6): 1071-1074.
(4) Boxing Cheng, Chengfeng Xu, Qiaosheng Guo*, Fei Liu, Andong Ding, Hongzhuan Shi, Yuxi Lu. RNA-seq analysis of the salivary gland provides insight into the blood-feeding strategy of Hirudo nipponia. Pakistan Journal of Zoology(accept).
(5) Fei Liu; Boxing Cheng; Qiaosheng Guo*; Hongzhuan Shi; Ling Gou; Yuxi Lu; Jia Wang; Wenbiao Shen; Shimeng Yan; Manjun Wu; Effects of indigowoad root (Radix Isatidis) on the immune responses and HSP70 gene expression of medicinal leeches (Poecilobdella manillensis) under Proteus mirabilis, infection, Aquaculture, 2016, 454: 44-55.
(6) Yuxi Lu, Fei Liu , Qiaosheng Guo*, Boxing Cheng, Hongzhuan Shi, Ling Gou. Effects of breeding density, feeding cycle, and light environment on the artificial culture of Poecilobdella manillensis. Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences, 2019, 18(4): 775-789.
(7)范发红; 康雄虓; 谢新; 程搏幸*; 刘飞; 日本医蛭hirudin-like factor-HN基因克隆及表达模式研究, 太阳成集团学报, 2021, 37(3): 19-25.